Thursday, November 26, 2009

My hair stinks!?

I know i posted an answer like this a few months ago, but i need help. I was my hair daily - every single morning! When I wash it and get out of the shower my hair stinks BAD. It is a smell that I can not describe. I dry my hair and i cant really smell it then. I then straighten my hair with my hair straightner and when the heat hits my hiar it stinks again! When i take a shower at night and my hiar gets the least little bit wet it stinks so bad that i have to pull it back! When i lay on my pillow and my hiar is wet my pillow starts to smell and it makes me natious! i have tried blow drying my hiar at night if it gets a little wet but that doesnt help! I have tried numerous shampoos and conditioners and have changed all of my hair products with no luck! I had longer hair when i first posted this a few months ago when i was having this prob! I recently had my hair cut short and i still have this problem. HELP!

My hair stinks!?

if your hair is thick it could be souring before you can get it dry. My sisters hair does this. she got layers cut into it and then had it thined and it helped alot. good luck!

My hair stinks!?

go see a doctor. it could be something wrong with your scalp.

My hair stinks!?

You should go see a hair specialist. Maybe its not ur hair is the problem it could be ur scalp.

Good Luck

My hair stinks!?

you could try buying a different shampoo or a new straightener and if that doesnt work they have hair perfume you can buy im not sure where you can get it at though

My hair stinks!?

well that sucks doesn't it.

My hair stinks!?

use teatree oil shampoo and make sure your hair towel is clean and stop using chemicals for a while.

My hair stinks!?

Could someone be tampering with your shampoo? What does the shampoo smell like before you put it in your hair?

My hair stinks!?

do you have sulfur water? I work with a guy who said he had sulfur water and he would stink like rotten eggs out of the shower. If could be your shampoo too. Have you tried switching brands? I think if you can't figure it out, go to a hair salon and ask them what's up with that. Their job is hair and if it's a product, they'll know which one it is. I know if you use a shampoo for psoriasis or dandruff, it stinks for hours.

My hair stinks!?

Maybe talk to your doctor the next time you have to go in. It could be a chemical thing going on in your body. If that all checks out ok it might be your water. I used to live in an area that used well water and boy it smelled! It made my hair, laundry, and everything else smell really bad. Try getting a water purifier and rinse your hair (several times) with the pure water after you wash it.

My hair stinks!?

It sounds as though it definitely is your scalp. The fact that you can't exactly describe how it smells is a big clue.

The scalp is where we make a substance called sebum - it's the thing that gives us our "scent" like the scents that animals have. The difference is that we can't normlly smell it, as our noses aren't powerful enough, and we don't produce enough sebum for it to register.

What you're experiencing could be an excess of sebum. Everytime we wash our hair, we stimulate the sebacious gland (where the sebum is produced), while at the same time, stripping the sebum that's in our hair, and forcing our scalp to make more and more (yes, shampoo is technically bad for your scalp). Try washing your hair every other day (if that's possible).

Excess heat can excite the sebacious gland, so you should lay off using the straightener for a while, and the blow-drying, too.

I also know that hormonal changes and stress can cause too much sebum to be released through the pores of the skin (which causes acne) - may I ask how old you are? It may be that you're going through a hormonal change at the moment.

And stress is a factor, too, so if you're stressed at the moment, it's probably not doing you any good!

But if it persists, and is making you unhappy, you should see your doctor.

My hair stinks!?

When you shampoo your hair shampoo it with hot water and repeat. Then when you condition rinse with cold cold water. When you get out try using a silk infusion such as the silk infusion by Chi or biosilk. this can be applied to wet and dry hair. Then blow dry your hair make sure that you don't put the blowdryer to close to your hair so it won't get damaged. Now I have a question for you what do you use to straighten your hair? That could be the problem. Try using a Chi, and remember ALWAYS dry your hair before straighting it. And if you wash your hair before you go to sleep completely either let it dry or dry it. When your hair is wet don't tie it back because then it won't dry and that will cause it to stink. If your head smells as bad as you say you might need to take some vitamins and see if it goes away. If not I suggest you see a doctor. You might have an internal infection that you don't know about that is being released by the oils in your head.

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